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Keynote Speech on Yixi


什麼是城市風道?規劃城市風道有助於解決霧霾問題嗎?規劃風道是否意味著大拆大建?如果一個城市風道建好了,污染物又飄散到另一個城市怎麼辦? 2003年以來,任超和她的團隊通過一系列科學研究,爲香港制定了城市風環境評估標準,研究成果被逐步納入香港各地區的規劃和發展大綱之中。

Keynote Speech on ICUC

"Urban Climate Science

for Planning Healthy Cities in Asia"

Dr. Ren attended the 10th International Conference on Urban Climate (ICUC) co-organized by the NOAA CREST Institute of the City University of New York, The International Association for Urban Climate (IAUC) and the AMS Board on the Urban Environment, in which she illustrated the idea of “Science in Time, Science in Place” and explained how to deliver a cross-disciplinary collaboration bridging the scientific world and the community of practice.

News Coverage on South China Morning Post

"Hong Kong’s hot nights and even hotter days bring higher risk of mortality for women and the elderly, new study finds"

Consecutive hot nights pose a higher risk to public health than hot days, and bring a 6 per cent higher risk of death for women and the elderly, a study by a Hong Kong university has found. The findings came after the Observatory said earlier this month that July was the hottest month the city has experienced since record-keeping began in 1884. “Our study found hot nights increased the risk of death by about 2 to 3 per cent ...

News Coverage on MingPao

未來城市 石屎森林難散熱

熱夜來襲 香港如何招架

【明報專訊】夏夜裏多少人熱得輾轉反側,夜不成眠,從堅持吹風扇到深夜,到最終還是要開動冷氣機才能進睡。中大學者說,據全球研究,夏夜裏23℃最適合入眠,儘管因地而異,基本上28℃、29℃的夜晚根本無法睡好,而當人體日間累積的熱力無法在夜晚消除,人會累會生病,不是直接地「熱死」,更多是導致身體機能出現問題,誘發疾病。 研究發現只是單單一個熱夜已經會增加2.43%死亡風險,連續5晚可增加6.66%,又以女性和長者最高危...

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